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It's all about choice

This really ought to be an essay of concrete things. It’s all about power. The earth silent and waiting. The mighty oak. 

It’s all about choice. The roads chosen. Not. The hills climbed and tumbled down.

It’s all about singing the song of myself. Yawp.

But it won’t be. It’s all about power. The waves of the ocean. The fluid flux of the fire which itself consumes. The bend of thought as it goes its way.

At which point you may be wondering, what the heck is Crystal rambling on about. You’re not alone. I’m wondering the same thing.

For the last month, Karen and I have been washed with a theme. Pricked by needle plot points from books and movies and t.v. 

The power to be gained from giving up control as articulated in the movie Secretary. The seductiveness of choice. Becoming an adult and growing into your own sexuality. 

Likewise in the book Kushiel’s Dart. The similar, but not discussion of becoming yourself. Gaining power through submission. Gaining love through the expression of it. That moment at the end of the book when you just have to laugh, because the villain thinks he has the upper hand, but because he never knew our heroine, never understood her, he is just so going to loose.

This article about a girl, who undergoing the pain of chemo, chooses to go goth, go punk, get pierced, choose her own pain, not just endure the pain that is imposed upon her.

The nature of choice in the Matrix Reloaded. Neo’s choice. Trinity’s choice. Morpheus’ choice. If even the nature of reality is questionable and everything is fated according to this grand master program, what is the point of free will? 

The nature of choice and free will in AtS this season. Perfect happiness as scripted by some night blooming flower, or the harshness of making decisions and living with the infinitum of consequence. In BtVS. Where options are the ultimate gift. With a smile. And the road ahead lies waiting.

The nature of choice and power in Bruce Almighty. All the power in the world, and yet the sheer powerlessness of that might. That moment when Bruce has gotten what he thought he desired. Surrounded by sycophants. A golden calf sitting as decoration to underline the meaninglessness of what he has gained. Give everyone what they want and just what have they gotten? The necessity for him to give up control and simultaneously take responsibility for the weight of his own actions.

In the book A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold, the five viewpoint characters coming to understand their own choices. Their own power and how to use it. Becoming themselves. That odd realization that if Miles and Ekaterine had met ten years earlier, they would not have known each other. Could not have known each other, because they didn’t yet know themselves. And without knowing, how then love?

And well, okay, and every other thing in my life right now. Contemplating buying a house. Choosing my life path and the people for the journeying. Knowing that I have found my own center, that I know myself, but conversations asking for money can reduce me to fourteen years old and wrong. Or about one hundred and really tired. That that feeling is in itself Maya. Not that I’m right. Not that I’m wrong. It’s just my path. My choices. My responsibility. 

Alas, my thoughts are all vaguely incoherent and swirly and I don’t really have time to write and write and write until like Spike, I say what I mean to say so that I know that I’ve said it.

Here’s hoping my train of thought doesn’t derail before I’m done. Unless, it’s the light at the end of the tunnel, in which case, derailment would be okay. Or not. In a choice of do or not do, I pick do. Not because I want to, but because I find it the infinitely scarier thing. It’s not always the smart thing. Sometimes, I end up running up mountains with blisters on my feet (Mt. Missen on Miyagima Island, Japan). Sometimes, I see some really pretty things. Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, I stop so I can go.

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